In Ireland there have been over 800 reported cases of adverse effects from the HPV vaccine. R.E.G.R.E.T. – Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma– has been set up for girls in Ireland who have fallen ill after receiving the vaccine. In May of last year there were an estimated 20 girls in the group. As of October this year there is now over 400.

TDs Gerry Adams and Darragh O’Brien have been helping the group. Ex Minister for Health Leo Varadkar finally spoke up at the start of this year. He insists the girls who are ill should be treated based on their symptoms: “rather than what they believe the cause to be.” In relation to the results of the report on the vaccine conducted by The European Medicines Agency he concluded that, “there is no need to change the way HPV vaccines are used or to amend the product information.”

The support group is working towards getting information packs given to those who are planning on receiving the vaccine. Many of the mothers are not anti-vaccine; BUT they want to make others aware of their daughters’ illnesses and would like the information packs to outline the possible risks of the vaccine. This is one of the things that they have been fighting for and are asking our government to help them with. They would like the mothers of the possible receivers to make an educated decision on whether or not their daughters should get the vaccine.

The UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters, “Have joined together to give support to each other and raise awareness of the dangers of the HPV vaccines, Cervarix and Gardasil.  Their primary focus is, “to assure our members that they are no longer on their own and by working together we can achieve so much more. In our opinion, these vaccines have caused many serious health issues which need immediate investigation.”


In most cases the adverse effects begin with migraines and weaknesses in the back or arms/hands. There have been reports of girls experiencing: Chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and POTS (dizziness when standing or moving quickly).

Whether it’s Kelly Power from County Dublin or Vivian, from Dundee, in Scotland. The same story every time. A girl who was attending school like any other teen, involved in sports and full of energy. Happy, active, going out with friends and engaging in activities that they enjoy. After they receive the vaccine their energy levels are drained, chronic pain sets in, and they can barely leave their bed. The prospect of school and completing exams is destroyed.

There’s no explanation for their illness, and no proof that the vaccine is at fault. The issue is the absence of evidence. Evidence is what these groups are trying to find but with little funds and resources this won’t be easy to achieve. Kelly power Vivian



Naomi Snell is a 28 year old woman from Melbourne, Australia who is leading a class-action civil lawsuit against drug maker Merck, after she fell ill following injections for the HPV Vaccine. 


In Japan the vaccine was available free of charge to Japanese girls between the ages of 12-16. The vaccine was also included in Japan’s national immunization program. However due to alarming reports that many vaccine receivers were experiencing serious side effects ranging from short term memory loss to paralysis, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced they had decided to withdraw the HPV vaccine recommendation. It is not withdrawn from the market altogether, however the government will no longer recommend its use.  


In the early 1980s, there was a huge number of parents filing lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies. This was due to the reactions from the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DPT) vaccine and the live polio vaccine. Minor children were permanently damaged or had died because of the vaccine. 

Due to the amount of lawsuits piling up against them, pharmaceutical companies demanded from Congress that they protect them from all product liability from vaccine injuries and deaths. However, because of strong opposition from the National Vaccine Information Centre, they were only protected from product liability if compensation was denied or it was proved that the vaccine could have been made safer. 

This seems like a reasonable decision, but in 2011 that all changed once again after a lawsuit filed against Pfizer, Inc. in 2005. The lawsuit was brought to the high court by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz who suffered severe side effects after being given her third DPT shot in 1992. Some of her injuries included a residual seizure disorder. The Supreme Court decided to give complete product liability protection to vaccine manufacturers. This means that no lawsuits can be filed against them. No matter how many deaths and injuries have occurred. It also gives the manufacturers no motivation to make the vaccine the best it can be, due to them being protected from civil law suits. 

“The 2011 Supreme Court ruling was a corporate bailout of vaccine manufacturers that excused the industry from any sort of accountability, leaving them with no incentive to make vaccines safer.10 The increasing number of states mandating more vaccines and restricting or removing vaccine exemptions, together with the failures of the VICP and Pharma’s total liability shield, is leading to more widespread questioning of U.S. vaccine policies and laws.”- Barbara Loe Fisher, (NVIC)

As of 2013, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program have awarded $5,877,710 dollars to 49 US victims. 200 claims had been filed with not even half settled.


Parents in Ireland are looking for compensation for the damages the vaccine has done to their children and their lives. They are looking to sue both the manufacturer and the state. However the evidence is difficult to find and more over expensive to investigate. 

Coleman legal partners in Dublin have a specific section on their website for Gardasil victims to encourage them to contact their Medical Negligence Solicitors and discuss their case.  


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