The Formal Framework of Irish Government

formal framework of gov

This area of the map of the state shows us exactly who directly elects, nominates, is accountable to and appoints each member of The Oireachtas, government, the courts, the local governments and the European Parliament.

It is the responsibility of the People of Ireland to directly elect members of the European Parliament, members of Dáil Éireann, the Local Government, and The President of Ireland. In turn the Local Government and Dáil Éireann elect the members of Seanad Éireann.

The Local Government and The European Parliament are situated outside of The Oireachtas however they are still accountable to The People of Ireland.

The President is situated slightly above the circle of The Oireachtas, as he is seen as above the Dáil and Seanad. He appoints the head of each section of The Courts, The Taoiseach and The Ministers in Government, however it is the Taoiseach’s responsibility to nominate the Ministers and Ministers of State. Although The Government as a whole appoints The Ministers of State. The Dáil nominates The Taoiseach.

The Government is accountable to Dáil Éireann and The Courts are accountable to The Oireachtas. The Public Service is accountable to The Government and also The Ministers of State.


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